New Year, New You Breathwork

A Journey of Transformation with Valarie Budayr

As the founder of Mongata Healing Center, a Certified Sound Practitioner, a Trauma-Informed Pause Breathwork Facilitator, and a devoted guide in self-discovery and healing, I'm thrilled to share a breathwork exercise you can do at home. With this post and video, I'll take you through a transformative at-home breathwork experience, reflecting on the transformative power of the New Year. 

Starting with Introspection: The Power of Journaling

At the heart of any transformative journey is introspection. I always start my sessions with journaling, a practice that opens the doors to our inner world. For this session, grab a piece of paper or your journal and ponder these reflective questions:

  1. What challenges are you currently facing? What struggles are in your life?

  2. What values do you hold dear? What brings you joy and fulfillment?

  3. How can you contribute and share your unique light with the world?

These questions are more than words; they're tools for unlocking the deeper layers of your consciousness, preparing you for the breathwork journey ahead. Spend 7-10 minutes journaling your thoughts and what comes up when you think about these questions. 

Ruminating on these questions today is not about setting goals or self-improvement. We are not assessing what has been done or has not been done and then resolving to do it. The beginning of the calendar year is a threshold in time, so in lieu of goals, I like to think of this as a visualization exercise to help us gently unfold into our new year. We're sitting in a doorway in time, so this is a moment of wholeness as well as a time to acknowledge our unchangeable past and a claiming of all we aspire to be. 

Understanding the Essence of Breathwork

Breathwork is an ancient, transformative practice, and it's much more than just breathing. It's a path to emotional release and physical rejuvenation. Engaging in various breathing patterns can evoke sensations such as tingling, changes in temperature, or even the resurfacing of long-lost memories. These are not harmful to you but rather are signs of your energy shifting and transforming.

The breathwork journey begins at 28:00 in the video. 

Embarking on the Breathwork Journey

In our breathwork sessions, we regularly explore a three-phase journey:

  1. Releasing Struggles: We start with the 'Halo Active Breathing Pattern' to let go of burdens and negative emotions.

  2. Embracing the Self: Through the 'Triactive Breath Pattern,' we welcome self-acceptance and love.

  3. Envisioning the Future: The 'Bliss Breath Pattern' helps us visualize and embrace our life's purpose.

To begin your breathwork, open the video included in this post. The breathwork warm-up begins at 15:30. The first phase of the breathwork journey begins at 28:00. The following outline is a condensed version of the warm-up exercise you can follow along with in the video. 

  1. Lay down in a comfortable position and relax in your space. Notice how you are breathing right now and begin to slow your breath. Notice how your body feels. Is there tension anywhere? 

  2. Now, I invite you to breathe in through your nose for four counts (one… two…three… four) Exhale through your nose for four counts (one… two…three… four)

  3. Continue this pattern and visualize a big shining ball of light above your head. As it approaches, it slowly starts moving down, and you feel its warmth and energizing light. The top of your head relaxes, and the warmth moves down around your head. Your forehead relaxes, the back of your eyes relax, and your cheeks feel the warmth of the light coming over and down around your ear and the back of your head. Your jaw releases, and your whole head is enveloped in this beautiful ball of golden light.

  4. Now the light is moving down over your throat, releasing tension in your neck. Moving from behind your shoulders up and over to the front of your body. Your shoulders relax away from your ears and the light moves down your arms.  You may feel them tingling and buoyant. As the warmth moves into your wrists your hands and your fingers you feel lighter and vibrant with energy.

  5. The light continues to envelop you in your chest area, feeling your ribs opening fully with each inhale.

  6. Remember to keep inhaling and exhaling for four counts (one… two…three… four)

  7. Now the light moves down over your belly and you let everything go as the light moves down over your hips your lower back. On your next exhale feel your hips open widely, creating room and space in this area of your body. The light now moves down over the tops of your legs around your legs and you feel them get heavy, sinking deeply into your mat or your bed, or your chair. You are held completely and cocooned in this beam and ball of light.

  8. The light now moves down to your lower legs, ankles, feet and toes. Inhale through the nose deeply exhaling with an audible sigh out through your mouth (ah…..)

  9. Inhale again through the nose and exhale out through your mouth with a nice and long sigh. 

  10. You are being held so completely and safely. Your cocoon and ball of light are a safe haven for you to now begin your breathwork journey

Integration: The Art of Reflection

After breathwork, it's crucial to integrate your experience. Reflect on any insights or emotions that arose. This moment of gentle awakening is about grounding yourself in gratitude and presence.

Tips for At-Home Breathwork

  • Create a Sacred Space: Choose a quiet, comfortable spot to be undisturbed.

  • Honor Your Body: Modify the breathing patterns according to what feels right for you.

  • Stay Hydrated: Have water close by to keep yourself hydrated.

The Power of Online Breathwork Communities

While practicing breathwork at home is powerful, being part of an online community like ours at Mongata can magnify your experience. Sharing and listening to others' experiences fosters a deep sense of community and collective growth.

Embracing the New Year with Breathwork

I believe that each one of us is our own best healer. This new year, embrace breathwork as a tool for your self-healing and transformation journey. Whether you're practicing at home or joining our online community, remember that each breath you take is a step towards becoming the hero of your own story.


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