3 Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude

Are you ready to feel happier and more motivated in your day-to-day life? Developing an attitude of gratitude can help get you there. Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and expressing appreciation for something or someone. Practicing gratitude has myriad benefits that ripple outward. The good news is that deep and long-lasting bliss of gratitude is simpler than you think to harness. 

Gratitude can help you get through tough times by allowing you to focus on the things that you’re thankful for. It can provide contentment and peace in the daily race for different, better, or more. Gratitude means more than saying thank you, it’s both a state of mind and an action you can put into use immediately. To get you started, here are 3 simple ways to practice gratitude. 

  1. Focus on the Little Things

Oftentimes when we think about gratitude, we tend to focus on the big things we are grateful for: Home, health, family, etc. These are great things to be grateful for, but they can make us lose focus on some of the smaller everyday things that we can be grateful for too. If you need a gratitude reboot, look around for small acts of kindness. Things like someone holding a door open for you, a stranger paying you a compliment, or your loving pet that always greets you with excitement. When you start paying attention to surprising little acts of kindness, you just might notice how much there is to truly be grateful for. 

2. Write It Down  

Keeping a journal is one of the most studied methods of practicing gratitude. To get the most out of this practice, write down a handful of things you’re grateful for each day. The key to this is being as specific as possible. For example: “I’m grateful for my partner who makes me tea and toast when I’m not feeling well” or “I’m grateful for the stranger that helped me start my car when the battery died”. A Gratitude Journal is an invaluable tool and a powerful reminder of how much there truly is to be grateful for.

3. Say it Outloud and Often 


A wonderful way to practice gratitude and strengthen bonds with others is by expressing your appreciation for them. When you have a chance to show your appreciation for another person, be as specific as you can and frame it in a way that acknowledges them. For example, “I love this scarf! You were so thoughtful to remember my favorite color”. Or “Thank you for dinner, your home-cooked meal beats a restaurant any day!”. Showing others the specific ways you’re grateful for them leads to stronger relationships with compounding benefits for you both. 

 We’re Grateful for You 

We can create gratitude virtually anywhere and at any moment in our lives. Spreading love and thanks comes with a slew of benefits. We’re so grateful to have the privilege of passing along helpful information to our blog readers like you. To express our gratitude for you even more, please join us for one of our free monthly offerings or explore a few of our courses to help guide you on your wellness journey. We look forward to seeing you!  



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