3 Deep Breathing Techniques to Try Today

It all begins with the breath. We never have to worry about forgetting to breathe because our magnificent body takes care of it whether we’re conscious of it or not. But oftentimes, that is the issue— we aren’t conscious of our breath. We go through our daily lives breathing too quickly and not deeply enough without even thinking about it. By not breathing deeply, we’re losing out on a precious wellness boost. One that can help us reduce stress, lower blood pressure, squash anxiety, reduce depression, and a whole host of other benefits for our bodies and minds. 

Breathing slowly and deeply is a simple and powerful way to improve your mental, physical, and emotional health. The best part is, you can tap into its power anytime, anywhere, and at any age.

Here are 3 easy deep breathing techniques you can try today (or right now!). 

Deep Breathing Technique 1: Count Your Exhales

Start by counting your exhales. This is based on a simple Japanese technique called Susokukan —or Zen breath counting and it focuses your energy on your breath. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth counting 10 breaths. If you get distracted, no worries, just start over. Simply counting your breaths will help you concentrate and relax. Do this for 10 minutes before moving on to the next breathing technique. 

Deep Breathing Technique 2: Slow Down the Breath 

Your diaphragm—AKA the muscle at the bottom of your rib cage— should be the piston driving your breath. It will deliver air much more effectively to the base of the lungs than the usual muscles we use for breathing like the neck and shoulders. Start by sitting in a relaxed, upright position. Begin by taking a very slow breath in through your nose— as slow as you can, before exhaling normally followed by one regular breath. This may take some time to get used to, so start by practicing this a few times a day with just three to four breaths. Eventually, you’ll be able to work your way up to 10 long breaths at a time. Once you master this, you can try breathing in slowly and exhaling slowly.

 Deep Breathing Technique 3: The Ocean Breath

To strengthen your immune system and to charge yourself with energy, practicing the ocean breath will bring vitality, centeredness, and stillness to your day.

Sitting comfortably, as you inhale through your nose, fill your lower belly with air. Take a little pause at the top. As you exhale through your nose, your lower belly moves back towards the spine. Be sure to exhale as much air out of your lungs as possible. Take a little pause at the bottom and then begin again by inhaling through your nose while filling your lower belly with air. Do this cycle 5 to 10 times and notice how you feel. 

Think of how ocean waves move onto the shore. They come onto shore, pause, and then go back out to sea, then pause, and come back in again.

Repeat These Exercises Daily 

If you can find the time, try and take mini mental health breaks in blocks of 15-20 minutes to do these breathing exercises every day. Like a muscle, if you keep working at it the stronger you’ll get and the more you’ll benefit. If you’d like to explore these practices in more detail, join us for our free monthly Meditation Monday and Healing Thursday offerings where we’ll show you how to stay present and get centered with breath.


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